On top of that you will need to deal with maintenance costs, and you may find that you need to do full blown repairs either because of an unhappy client or an irresponsible driver. The second should not happen often, but we will discuss your hiring practices at a later time. At the moment, we will discuss what you can do in the event your cabs become damaged.
Naturally, you are going to need some form of insurance, and if you are a private hire company, you will need a special form of cover. There are quite a few benefits to buying your insurance, and they are the following:
-Repairs are Covered: You won't have to deal with expensive repairs, though you may need to cover a bit of the cost. This is definitely acceptable when you consider the alternative! The taxi service can become expensive, especially when you are dealing with private hire. Don't let it become more expensive than it has to be!
-Replacements? No Problem!: When running a taxi service you will inevitably find that your vehicles suffer damage, and in the end they may actually need replacing. This can be a serious problem, especially if you were using top of the line cabs. With that being the case, you need to have a form of private hire taxi insurance that is more than capable of replacing those cabs when the need arises.
-Assaults: These will happen at some point or another, and you want to make sure your vehicle is covered when someone rushes it with a baseball bat. While you will most definitely want to press charges in this instance, you will also want to make sure the damage is actually repaired. With that in mind, now would be a great time to seek out private hire taxi insurance.
As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for you to purchase insurance. It's going to be expensive of course, but that doesn't mean you should ignore your responsibility as a fleet owner. On a brighter note, there are several insurance companies that will actually provide you a discount for owning a fleet and insuring multiple drivers. That being said, now would be a great time for you to look into the different types of insurance For your fleet. You might be surprised at the plans you can find and the discounts that you can obtain if you just look hard enough! Your cab and the drivers that work for you are extremely important, make sure you treat them as such!

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